Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Spooky coincidence.

Guten tag!

Blood draw, nutrition visit, exam and research coordinator visit.  Fairly quick day, all in all.  It will be good to get Gregory out.  Yesterday he was going a little stir crazy so we ran to Target.  Holy cow.  The selection was Dine-O-Mite.  We just kinda perused the racks/shelves and had some out time.  You can only go to the Grocery store so many times.  Especially when public play areas are a no-no.  Including parks.  I did manage to break down and get Gregory some "girl" leggings.  They are so cute on him.  They have a sweat-pant-like cuff so they don't look girly at all.  They were only $5-, too.  Yay for comfy pants that he can sleep in.  He still refuses to wear pajamas. 

Um yeah.  I needed a new book to read and I've been hearing great things about Jodi Picoult.  What one do I pick out to start with?   My Sister's Keeper.  Not the greatest start, but it's really good, so far and I can't quit it.

Time to rouse the chitlin' and get going.  Love to you all.  'til later, gotta jet.

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