Monday, May 25, 2009

Exploiting my brother? Maybe. It's all good, though.

Truly not much going on over here. We are enjoying our "salad days". We are playing, watching movies, reading, knitting and trying to get Gregory to eat as much as he can. We have a wound check, today. We probably don't need it, but his whole upper left chest is one giant green bruise. Which means it's healing, but I just need to be sure that it's OK. I'm trying to find a fun/eclectic toy store. I'd like to have a place that I can pick up a few things for him, that I can give him during our stay. I do not like the idea of going to the mall, but it looks like I may have to hit NorthGate when mom comes over, next weekend. I cannot take Gregory to the mall, so I will run over there, then.

It's been really quiet, around here. Many families were able to get "passes" to go home for the extended weekend. It's nice to know that the folks who are here for a LONG time get to do that.

On another note. This is my little brother, Travis. For those that don't know: He is a student at the Trinity College Of Music, in London. This is a video of him practicing for his exams. His instrument of study is the Mandolin. I must admit, that I do find a giggle or two watching my 6'6" brother cradling a Mandolin. (No offense, CheeseBall. I mean that in an endearing way.)

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