Saturday, May 2, 2009

Higitus Figitus

Dr R visited us this morning and let us know that we will be here for a couple more days. From what I can gather, it sounds like his spleen is enlarged, again. He mentioned the real possibility that we may end up with a spleenectomy. While this is major surgery, I would feel better knowing it was gone. The cells like to live in the spleen, cancer cells, that is, and there is the chance that at some point post transplant, the cancer cells will leak from the spleen and we will be back to square one. Dr R also mentioned that if he keeps his spleen, we run the risk of Gregory being platelet transfusion dependent for the rest of his life. After my conversation with Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, I thought that spleenectomy was off the table. I need to remember that this is fluid. All of it. I have a feeling that his body is working overtime trying to fight this flu and in trying to produce "fighter cells" he is also producing more cancer cells. His blast count was up today and his white count has only risen slightly. Here we continue to be, dancing delicate steps. At least we get to embrace, while dancing.

On another note. The JMML Foundation just released it's newsletter. There is a really interesting article about GVHD (Graft Versus Host Disease) and the phenomenon of GVL (Graft Versus Leukemia). It's pretty cool how the body works. You can read the newsletter here

Also?  I wish I had Mary Poppins carpet bag.  It looks like an ordinary carpet bag, except it's magical. 

This would work, too.

We just finished a shower and dressing change.  I'm hoping Gregory gets a little nap.  Dressing changes tap him out.

'til later.  Gotta jet.

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