Sunday, March 29, 2009

Yesterday & Today

Yesterday contained visitors!!

Miss Rebecca: Thank you so much for the things for the OffSpring and the Pedicure Gift Certificates for AnnMarie and I. Also? Can't wait to try the meals. They will certainly be handy on LONG transfusion days. Seeing your smiling face brightened up my day. ♥

Kirista!!!!!!!!!!  Thanks for hangin' with the OffSpring.  They really enjoyed it and it was fun to watch them with you.  Also?  The laundry detergent, perfect timing.  Willow, thanks for sparing her.  I hope I get to see you sooner or later, too.

Yesterday morning was an off morning.  A little bit of the blues.  Plenty of exhaustion last week caught up with me.  I've used my vaccuum at least once each day.  I LOVE it.  It's made keeping tidy a breeze.  If only laundry & dishes could be streamlined!

Today would be called a wee bit of normal.  The red blood cells that Gregory received on Friday have worked wonders.  Gregory has been so stinkin' happy, loving and active.  Today he got a haircut, picked out food at the grocery store and we looked at Yarn at JoAnn's.  (TOO much acryilic for my tastes.  Also, not enough JEWEL tones!)  He fell asleep on the way home and napped, once we were home, for quite some time.  Too long, actually.  It's nearly 11:00 and he's still bright eyed and bushy tailed. 

Montessori Lori:  That was some of THE  BEST spaghetti sauce.  EVER.  Everyone scarfed it up, with plenty to stick in the freezer.  Thanks, as always.  From one C-Beast family to another.

Tomorrow work, Tuesday work and blood counts on Wednesday.  I think this is going to be a good week.  Which is great timing, with the other OffSpring off for Spring Break.

I leave you with today in pictures.  See how happy he is?  Also, the haircut made a huge difference.  I can see his gorgeous eyes, again.  Gotta jet.

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