Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Long lost friends, found again.

I spent a good part of today, reconnecting with friends and family on the west side of the state. I'm so grateful that even after 15 years, I can still reach out to these people and they are available, willing and receptive to hearing from a long lost friend in crisis. I'm excited to ge the chance to see everyone. My life in Seattle feels like a lifetime ago. Can't believe that I get to re-visit it. Not that there will be alot of down time, but occasionally, I'll need to take a break and hopefully I'll have a friendly face to do it with.

On the topic of Seattle...... Anybody know of any great local yarn shops within busing distance to the U-District??? I'm thinking Fremont, Northgate, Capitol Hill? Ballard is a little too far. Any suggestions would be welcome. I'm also wondering it that really great coffee shop, in the Alley, next to the book store is still open. I can't remember the name of it!!!!! Wait! I just found it, The Allegro!!!! They had the GREATEST Ghiredelli Mochas!!!! It also looks like Schultzy's is still in business. The BEST sausage place, EVAR! Brewski's?? Big Time Brewery is still up. So. I've got my basics covered, hopefully. Coffee, beer and knitting. Is there anything else? Oh yeah, Gregory's health. Yes, that is of the utmost importance, but I know I need to take care of me, too. Otherwise I will not be good for Gregory.

Work tomorrow. Blood counts on Thursday. Coffee Therapy on Friday. Provided Gregory stays healthy.

Thanks again, everyone. You ALL are making an impact. You ALL are important to us.

Oh yeah, if my memory serves me correctly, this is the doc that helped us the first night in the ER. I will be forever grateful to this man, too. Anthony Ferroggiaro, MD

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