Saturday, March 28, 2009

Morgan, Parker, Skyler.....

To our middle-of-the-night readers, I fell asleep with Gregory and didn't update at my usual time.  We are OK, Mr Sandman had other plans for me.

Today.  Well, technically, yesterday.  We had blood counts.  Gregory's appointment was at 9:40.  We got home at 7:30.  You never can tell what is going to happen on appointment days.  As mentioned before, Gregory's hematocrit has been declining.  Today it was at 21.  Which meant it was time for some red blood cells.  Having never received a transfusion of red blood cells before, I didn't know what to expect.  Platelets are quick.  Comparatively.  Once it's been decided that a transfusion is needed, they need to "type and cross" what ever it is he needs.  Which means that they take some of his blood, some of the donor "whatever", mix a little together and make sure that they don't coagulate.  I'm not sure if the tests are done onsite or at the blood bank.  All I know, is that it takes time.  The decision to transfuse was made at about 11:30.  The transfusion began at 3:00.  Platelets can be hung on an IV pole and gravity takes over.  It's quick.  Red blood cells are attached to an IV pump and the rate is controlled.  It takes 3-4 hours.  Since we knew it would be some time before the transufsion would be ready, Gregory ran out and grabbed him something to eat and a little treat from Hastings.  (local music/books/movie store)  They also have a pretty diverse offering of toy/gift stuff.  Gregory pick out a little badge/pin making set.  We will have fun with that.  We got back to clinic and waited, he then fell asleep.  I had been writting off his general well being, lately, to his dental work on Wednesday.  He hasn't been feeling well and was getting pretty pale.  The nurse noticed this (they are trained to do that.) and I think she knew he needed to be transfused.  When she drew Gregory's initial blood, she drew a little extra for the type and cross.  Smart girl.  It saved a little time and resources, too.  There is quite a bit of garbage, aftter a blood draw.  He woke up as they were starting the transfusion.  Only because vitals needed to be taken, beforehand.  About two hours into the transfusion and Gregory started to perk up again.  He was hungry and happy.  By the time we left, he was running around the unit and happy as a clam.  Which continued at home.  Due to the long nap, he wasn't ready to crash until about 11:00.  So we did.  The other OffSpring are at Nana's spending the night, so it was quite on the homefront. 

Oh yeah, his platelets look great.  Post transfusion on Tuesday they were at 168.  Today?  83.  I'll take it and be glad.

Which means we don't have another blood count until Wednesday.  His chemo is staying at the same dosage.  I'm grateful for that, too.  Which leads me to my next item.  Thursday night Gregory woke up about 3-4 times with inconsolable crying.  I haven't yet figured out the nature of it.  He cries so hard that it bring on coughing.  I think that the chemo is starting to effect (affect?  Shit.  Krista, can you help me out, AGAIN?) the lining of his throat and mouth.  'Cause when he coughs, he grimaces like it hurts.  This is why I'm up at this hour.  He's had one crying/coughing episode, tonight.  They don't last long, but when you are powerless to comfort him, two minutes can feel like an hour. 

Wanna know how small this town is????  I'm an online addict.  I've meant some really great people due to this portal.  Joe and Kim are two of those people.  They live here in Spokane and we've never met.  At least I thought so.  They very graciously picked me up some Miso paste and arranged to bring it to me at the hospital, today.  I gave Kim a hug and said "It's great to finally meet you!"  Her response?  "Well, we did meet.  When Gregory had his central line in.  I helped with that."  At the time we just didn't realize who each other was.  I'm not sure excatly what position she fills, but she does have a pink name badge, which tells me she works with infants and kids.  Spokane is so stinkin' small.  Thanks Joe and Kim.  Looking forward to Miso for today!!!! 

I also have a mysterious benefactor.  I haven't mentioned it much, but I have an old Rainbow vaccuum.  It works great, but it requires water for use, is fairly old, we got it second hand (of course, by choice).  When Larry brought it home, origianally, I was excited.  It does a really great job.  Right now, though, it's a pain in the ass and if you don't let it air out between uses, it smells musty at start up.  Which makes me nervous, in terms of bacteria and fungus.  Larry pulled up to the house today and sitting at the top of our stairs was a brand new Dyson vaccuum cleaner.  I have been lusting after one, ever since they came out.  I can't believe it.  I'm still in a little shock.  So guess who was running the vaccuum at 9:00 tonight?  ME!!!!!!!  It works like a dream, is MUCH quieter than the Rainbow and is so small.  I feel a little bit spoiled.  So.  Mysterious Benefactor, THANK  YOU!!!!!!  I will think of you every time I fire up the Dyson.  Thank you for helping to keep my house, my family and Gregory, healthy.  (Yes, the envelope was attached.  Thank you for that, too.  Whatever would make you think that Shopko was a store I would frequent??? ) 

Now the Dyson needs a sparkly name.  Any suggestions?  I'm thinking something gender neutral.  I cannot see it as male or female.

I had a few more thougts, but they have escaped me.  I think I'll lay down with Gregory and catch a few more z's.

Once again, love to you all.  Yes, I mean you.  Gotta jet.

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