Thursday, May 12, 2011

What's the most important thing you have learned these past two years?

This is a hard one to answer. I don't think I am far enough past it to really appreciate what I might have learned. I haven't gotten to the place that I am OK with learning at the expense of Gregory, the sibs and our family. I really don't think there is anything worth learning at their expense. Don't know if I will ever get there. Lesson, Reason & Gift are three of my most despised words, when it applies to Childhood Cancer.
I will admit to gaining PERSPECTIVE. Which is a double-edged sword. I appreciate the fact that the really simple things make me happy, I value them over everything. There are days when I would love to be able to escape into the land of ignorance. Just for a brief reprieve.
"Once you know better, you do better." is a hard thing to live up to. I now know better. It's the doing better, on a daily basis, that rattles my cage.

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