Saturday, May 21, 2011

I found your blog through 46 Mommas and love it. What was the "worst" part of the hospital experience? For you and Gregory?

Whew! The "worst" part of the hospital experience. I've been thinking about this and trying to find an answer. I would have to say that it would be the AMOUNT of time we have spent in the hospital. During that first year we spent roughly six months in-patient. The hardest visits were the ones that we were in and out within a week. Several of these types of visits. Whenever we were in-patient, I knew it was THE BEST place for Gregory to be. Yes, I have horror stories about fellow families and their experiences. Things I've witnessed that are forever etched in my memory.
Yes, sleeping in a chair, beside is a PITA!
Yes, having to use a communal bathroom was bad.
Yes, having ZERO privacy was ugly.
Gregory and I have had some of the most intimate moments while being in-patient. Snuggling up, hanging out, just being together. Those are the moments that pierce my memories. He and I have a bond like no other.
Hospital life...... I completely and totally surrendered to it. There was nothing I could do to alter that fact. It was our home-away-from-HomeHome. We took what creature comforts we could and truly made it our sanctuary. No sense in fighting the situation. When he was feeling OK, we always had a ball. Music blaring, laughs, silly dancing (albeit he was usually in my arms) and just being together.
We made the best out of a wretched situation. Still do.

Ask me anything

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