Thursday, May 12, 2011

What is the most supportive/useful/non irritating way that a person can respond after hearing your story? When you told me I think I said "wow", "I am so sorry" and other non-helpful things - what from your perspective is the perfect response? -Elise

Thank you for asking this question Just the thought to ask it is priceless.
Our Odyssey is shocking, to say the least. There really is not a "good" response. My only request is that people challenge themselves to actually HEAR it. To let it sink in. To open themselves up and allow the reality to sink in. Instead of scurrying off to the land of "But he's OK and your done, right?" This is an experience ripe with opportunities for education. There never is a "done" with Childhood Cancer. Gregory may have no evidence of his original cancer, but it's an anvil that swings precariously over our lives. Just waiting to see if that last sinew of rope is going to snap. Very few people realize the lifelong impact of Childhood Cancer. It is A LOT of information to pack into a momentary, passing conversation. I do my best and hope that it is received in the manner in which it is offered. However it IS received and responded to is part of the process. Thank you, again. Love, love, love.....

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