Where do I start after a day like today?? I was up at 5:00, threw on my clothes, started the car and readied Gregory. I had changed his clothes the night before, knowing full well that trying to put fresh clothes on him this morning would have been near to impossible. I scooped him up and we headed out the door. His central line was placed at Sacred Heart Outpatient Surgery, so finding the site was a piece of cake. He had not seen the area from an outpatient prospective. Last time we came in from already being inpatient. I think he had an idea that something different was up, though. The intake was ok. He was clinging and unwillingly to chat. We had several different people come through the room. I couldn't get him into the hospital pj's. He has been so adamant about wearing his own "real" clothes. He's worn PJ's once, since we've been home. Thankfully he did not get versed, this time. He willingly went to the nurse and happily allowed her to carry him to the OR. Not long after they had taken him back, an employee came to me with a phone, the doc (Dr Herzog) was on the line and neede to let me know that his dental work was a bit more extensive than we originally had planned. He would need some crowns. Around 9:00 doc came out and filled me in. Gregory has a small mouth and crowded teeth. After they got in there, had a chance to take some pictures, they realized that he needed some serious prevention and protection. Gregory will not be able to go to the dentist for one year, post sucessful BMT. He also CANNOT have an infection of any kind, in the meantime. An infection could be fatal. So. Eight crowns and four caps later, Gregory's mouth is ready for BMT. Yes, you read that right. All eight molars have shiny new crowns and his top four front teeth have porclain caps. Fuck! That was my first word, upon hearing the news. At this point I got to go back to recovery and be with Gregory. He came out of the anesthesia HARD. Lots of tears, coughing and an inability to settle. He would just start to calm down and something would set him off. He eventually got a grip and started asking for things. The first thing? His shirt. They had taken it off, in order to put all the monitors on him. Right now, clothing is a big deal, can you tell? He also still had little spots of blood on his face. I can't even begin to imagine how he was handled, in the OR. The accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. Which I'm grateful for, but imagining them working quickly in his little mouth on an examination, pictures, eight crowns and four caps, along with all the prep and clean up, in about 90 minutes is baffling. Another round of thank you's and kudo's go to
Children's Choice Dental. They are our regular dentist and I did not know that they work hand-in-hand with the Peds Onc patients. They even do rounds on the Peds Onc floor. My heart goes out to them for the work that they do.
We left, picked up his Tylenol with Codeine and were home by 10:30. Amazing. One thing, of note, is that his profile is changed. The caps on his front teeth have changed the way his mouth looks. Also, peering into that little mouth and seeing all the "stuff" is really hard. I have this knee jerk, stereo typical response to small children and massive dental work. I've always equated it with poor diet and poverty. That has now changed. It will take him a little while to get used to his new mouth. His speech has defintately taken a hit. Listening to him speak today was a challenge.
We got home and he was NOT going to go to sleep. Though I know he really could have used a nap. I think he was afraid to fall asleep. No surprise, there. Look what happened the last time he took a nap. After a little bit he was hungry and thirsty. I managed to get his Tylenol with Codiene in him with a little bit of soda magic. I'm a firm believer of maintaining pain from the get go. After tomorrow i will let HIM show me he needs some relief. In the mean time I'm trying to keep ahead of it. Also, I'm hesitant to give him too much Tylenol. Tylenol is a fever reducer. If he does have any kind of infection going on, the Tylenol will mask the symptom and he could be in trouble without my knowing it. I had a discussion with his Oncology office today, regarding this, and since he has been so healthy, the risk is smaller than him being in pain. We've not been admitted for two weeks, now! Yay! *knock wood*
Part of keeping him healthy, is keeping him hydrated.

Today's choices? Chocolate milk (fortified), Gatorade, Apple Juice and his Magic Soda for dispensing Tylenol and his 6-MP.
I work tomorrow and he needs a bath and his dressing on his central line changed. Blood counts Friday morning. Hopefully, we will be able to chill a little on Saturday and Sunday. I've been rather neglectful of the laundry and other duties. The last three days have taken more out of me than I should have let them. I need to get back on the wagon, for a little bit.
Time to go curl up with the munchkin and cuddle away our fears. More later, of course. Gotta jet.
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