The IV education people stopped by the house today. I learned how to change Gregory's dressing on his central line and how to flush it. It get flushed every day and the dressing gets changed once a week or whenever it needs it. The IV company supplies all our supplies. I don't have to track down anything.
I've been meaning to get this down, so here it is:
What's next?
As I understand it........ Gregory's blood numbers are continuing to slowly decline. We have an appointment tomorrow, Monday and next Thursday. It's likely that he will need a red blood cell and platelet transfusion soon. Also, his good cells will soon be crowded out by the cancer cells. At that point, he will start a low dose oral Chemotherapy. This is simply to keep the cancer from growing out of control, prior to transplant. Once we have a match, real chemo will begin, in order to destroy all of his non-functioning bone marrow. This part is done in Spokane. Then it's the trip to Seattle. According to doc, we should probably be in Seattle in May.
Just for fun, the IV Therapy nurse said I was her first student to "get it" with one teaching session. (I RAWK!). My "perfect" dressing change on a dummy.
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