Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ye gads! I do remember how to do this!

I realize that you are waiting anxiously to hear about the gala and meeting Gregory's donor, Katie. There are a few things that I am waiting on. DKMS is putting together a video of the event and I'm also waiting for permission to share some additional images. I must admit that I am also hoarding those memories a bit. They are incredibly sacred to me and I have this desire to hold them close to me for a bit. Soon.

Ever since meeting Katie on the 26th of April, I have been walking around in this bubble of bliss. For some reason, that meeting triggered something in me to melt. Allowing me to rejoice in the survivorship that we are currently experiencing. I feel as if I have clouds strapped to my feet and I'm floating.

On Wednesday past, we attended Gregory's 'Welcome to Montessori' dinner. This little ceremony welcomes the incoming first graders to the program. A good half of the families in attendance were existing Montessori families, like ours, with older siblings already in or through the program. They, like the teachers and our principle, have watch from the outside as Gregory and our family have traveled this road from diagnosis, transplant, isolation, recovery and tentative re-integration. Part of the night is to call each new student to the front for recognition and they receive a Jefferson Elementary themed welcome packet. Having a last name that begins with a B, Gregory was one of the first called. Our principle gave him such a warm welcome, getting down to his level and expressing her joy at him being there. Gregory did receive a loud 'Woo hoo!' from his mother as he went up and plenty of snapshots. The lighting in the gym is less than perfect, so the images are wonky, but we have a few to remember this oh-so-momentous moment.

Gregory's Welcome to Montessori Celebration!
He was even sporting his Peach's Neet Feet 'INVINCIBLE' shoes. <3 

I am still in awe of the fact that Gregory travel 2,500 miles cross country, in an airplane, visited NYC, attended a celebrity gala, met his life-saving donor, traveled back, then did not miss a day of school the following week. Without missing a beat, without me having to touch, or even think about, a thermometer. He hit the hay exhausted each night, but he is LIVING, THRIVING and SURVIVING. These days I am finding boundless joy in these daily events. Sure, there is a tinge of sadness, but I'm no longer drowning in it. Today. In this moment, sadness is taking a backseat.

As we were leaving school that night, Gregory bounded down the steps excitedly asking, "How many days 'til I get to come to Jefferson?"

A friend shared this tonight and it is FABULOUS! A bunch of patients and staff at Seattle Children's/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance put this video together. It is glorious.

With a much clearer head, we are leaping into our planning for this year's St Baldrick's Yoga People Care event. If you are interested in having a YPC event in YOUR city, drop me a line. Not all childhood cancer research fundraising has to look the same and this event will change your life and the lives in your community. Our fearless Spokane Yoga Shala leader, Katie Gehn, put this together from last year's event.

So much GOOD stuff happening these days. Stay tuned. I remembered how to do this writing thing.

With JOY (and Katie) in my heart!

*Get swabbed. Save a life. YOU could be the next Katie to a Gregory and Family that is desperately waiting for a bone marrow match. Click this link, enter your information and DKMS Americas will send you a swab kit. Don't wait. Families like ours are counting on people like you. 

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