Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Listen To Your Mother Spokane

I cannot put into words what I just experienced.

Twelve women, all mothers, mostly strangers. Except in this town, there is only degree of separation between all of us.

We are all writers. We are all reading for Spokane's production of Listen To Your Mother. We are all baring our souls for a crowd of paying listeners. On Mother's Day.

The caliber of these women is amazing. The coordinator's are immaculate. Every detail has been considered and addressed. Consideration has been given to how this will make US react. How to make this an affirming experience for us, as writers. How we can create a safe place, between the twelve of us. How best for the audience to experience our words. To ensure they get the most out of this production.

Tonight was our first rehearsal. Tonight was the first time we all met. Tonight we all read our pieces. These stories are our collective stories. Yours, mine, theirs, ours. This thing we call Living Life. While experiences and details are unique, the emotions are transcendent.

If you are local and would like to witness, experience and FEEL these women's words, join us on Sunday, May 8 at the Lair Auditorium at Spokane Community College. Tickets can be purchased online here: http://listentoyourmotherspokane.eventbrite.com/

You will not be disappointed.

As always with love,

***Won't you help me fund a cure for Childhood Cancer? Do it now. Make a donation on my soon-to-be-bald noggin  for Childhood Cancer Research.

Childhood Cancers are the #1 disease killer of children under the age of 15 — more than asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and pediatric AIDS combined.



1 comment:

anymommy said...

I makes me so very happy that you left feeling this way. I am walking on air. Thank you!