Monday, March 7, 2011

If it's true that we only use 10% of our brains, I'd like to know how to gain access to the other 90%.

Gregory has continued to battle with this head cold he has. Coughing, sniffing, really bad sore throat. No fevers. His temp is slightly elevated, which means that we are on constant "Fever Watch". He is not very sick, yet the anxiety that it brings is no different. Not knowing from moment to moment if it is going to pop into something bigger. His unknown lung issues contribute to the heightened level of anxiety. Spring is right around the corner. Right? It's just not a wishful dream? It will be here.

I've been meaning to revamp my online presence. Livejournal has served me well, over the years. It's time, though, to use something a little more appropriate. Some time back I purchased my own domain. Then linked it to my blogger account. I will continue to cross-post to the other sources I use, but my primary website will be Blogger actually has an rss feed and is viewable in readers. Feel free to follow, subscribe there. Comments are welcomed, loved and wanted. They lift my spirits and remind me that I'm not as isolated as I often feel. I'm in the process of importing my history. Working on March '09 through September '09.

Exciting news in my world....... I auditioned for an amazing project call Listen To Your Mother. It is the first year for Spokane. I've been cast and will be reading a piece about my Motherhood on Mother's Day. May 8, 2011.  Excited, honored, humbled. If you are local, please consider coming to the show and listening to 12 amazing women share about their Motherhood. Listen to Your Mother Spokane

I am wanting to write my heart out, but can't find the zone. I'll be back, soon, with more. Trying to get back in the saddle. It's a little creaky.

With love and deep breaths~

*Won't you help me fund a cure? Do it now. Make a donation to fund Childhood Cancer Research.

Childhood Cancers are the #1 disease killer of children under the age of 15 — more than asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and pediatric AIDS combined.


"Curing childhood cancer is the equivalent of curing breast cancer in terms of productive life years saved." ~ Dr. Eugenie Kleinerman - Head, Division of Pediatrics, Children's Cancer Hospital at MD Anderson Cancer Center

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