Friday, January 15, 2010

At this stage of the game.......

Hi, folks.  It's me, again.  Gregory is still inpatient.  Still trying to get his blood infection under control, while struggling with feeding stuff.  He started not tolerating his feeds, again.  We are trying yet another formula.  Regular, workable stuff.  Not the real reason for this update, though.

On Wednesday, Gregory's hematocrit was 29, it took a five point dive in 24 hours.  Thursday morning it was 24.  (Hematocrit has to do with Red Blood Cell production)  Friday morning, it is now at 22 

We do not know what is going on.  Doc ordered some tests to dertemine how long his cells are "living" and some other studies.  As of this morning, he is offically at Red Blood Cell transfusion threshold level.  (At least for this clinic, 22 is the standard threshold.)  He set Gregory's threshold, for now, at 20.  I don't doubt that by tomorrow morning, he will be there.  In preparation they drew a type & cross.  They type & cross a sample of his blood to compare with blood used for transfusions.  The nurse came into the room with the vials, paperwork and the wrist band and it was all I could do to forcefully kick her out of the room and run screaming in denial.  A need for a transfulsion at this stage of the game does not look good.  Like I said, we don't know what it means, we only know it's not good.  Obviously, a bone marrow aspirate is now needed.  He will have one next week. 

I am not a hematologist.  I have no idea if their are other factors that could be causing this.  He has not had a fever, which eats up red blood cells.  Two possibilites are relapse and marrow failure.  Could there be another reason?  Quite possibly, but I don't know what they are or what they might mean. 

Right now, Gregory needs to be surrounded with light and positive energy.  His demeanor is fantastic and we are acutally having quite a few laughs and fun.  He is retaining fluids, though, and looks quite puffy.  Which is hard to imagine, considering the "steroid" puffy.  His kidneys are working properly so we are giving it a day to see if his body will flush out these extra fluids.  Doc estimated it to be about a liter of fluid retention.  Anymore and I'm sure there will be some intervention. 

Needless to say I'm scared.  We don't know what's going on and are now playing the waiting game.  Once the type and cross was drawn, they put a band around the wrist that dates the type and cross.  They are only good for a few days.  Seeing that band around Gregory's wrist breaks my heart.  At least at this stage of the game.  His last red cell transfusion was August 10.  Sixty days post transplant.  There's something going on in his little body and I want to know what it is and what the plan is. 'til later, gotta jet.


Posted via web from MindiTheMagnificent

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